Can I print from my laptop computer?


Using MyPrint, you can also directly print from laptops and other wireless devices.
Documents: Wireless printing  and  Wireless Printing (2-half page Handout)

  1. On your laptop, login to
  2. Click on “Webprint.” It will list your current jobs, if any.
  3. Click on “Submit a Job.”
  4. Choose your printer then click “Print Options”
  5. Choose number of copies, then click “Upload Documents.”
  6. Choose/Drag & Drop the file(s) you want printed (see the allowed types at the bottom of the page), then click “Upload & Complete”
  7. Files will now upload, it will tell you how many pages and the price for printing them.
  8. Retrieve your printout in Library Copy Center near the Circulation Desk.
  9. Use your AccessRio username and password at the release station (the PC in the copy center).
  10. Questions? See a librarian at the Reference Desk.
  11. Also see:
  • Last Updated Feb 20, 2025
  • Views 82
  • Answered By Carolyn Oldham

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